
Tag Archives: Use of force

Report: No permission to protest — ဆန္ဒထုတ်ဖော်ခွင့်မပြု

Click here to download No permission to protest ဆန္ဒထုတ်ဖော်ခွင့်မပြု  (7mb) >> 2020 marks the hundred-year anniversary of the first major protests in Myanmar’s modern history. Protests have launched political leaders, political parties, new constitutions and elections. As a result, the State has historically viewed protesters

Report: Daring to defy Myanmar’s patriarchy — ပေထရီအာခီတော်လှန်ရေး

Across Myanmar, women human rights defenders (WHRDs) exercise their right to freedom of expression to expose discrimination and injustice, name-and-shame perpetrators, and speak uncomfortable truths to power. In doing so, they risk retaliation including physical, sexual, and psychological gender-based violence (GBV). The risk of GBV

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Conference on media freedom and conflict

The media risks many threats when trying to report about conflicts. Many areas are completely off-limits. “Fake news” and “hate speech” are the result of a lack of trustworthy information. The Center for Myanmar Media Development and FEM hosted a day-long conference on 30 March

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Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law

The Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law regulates protest in Myanmar. The Law clearly violates the Myanma people’s rights to freedom of expression and assembly by: Prioritising control over rather than facilitation of protests Requiring protesters to overcome burdensome and bureaucratic hurdles Effectively making spontaneous protests unlawful